Paese: United States
Città: non ci sono altri dati
Hai aderito: 1 anno fa
Sesso: Maschile
Situazione sentimentale: Aperto(a)
Hai aggiunto: 2 album
Età: non ci sono altri dati
Orientamento sessuale: Normale
Preferiti: 1 video , 1 album
Su di me: I am 49 years old I love beautiful women I was out for a walk one day, and I found a drone laying in the middle of the road so happened to be a great find because a block down the road lives my neighbors and they had an SD card full of their fucking porn on it I wonder if they knew that that’s what was in this drone but anyway, I thought I would share my find. She is a lovely looking woman.

Neighborsxxx - Album preferiti (1)

Preferiti (1)